Bug Battle Pinball Table


This level was inspired by my love for bugs and pinball. The player took on the role of a mantis in a territorial match against a tarantula. Various objectives were implemented around the table with the main goal being to defeat the tarantula. I took inspiration from the Amazon rainforest and designed the level and its scenarios based on several bugs found there.

The level was scaled up based on the real-world dimensions of a pinball table and the in engine dimensions of a playable character using the pinball at a character height as reference. I modelled and textured all the props then constructed the scene in Unreal Engine 4.

My Process

I always start my projects with research. As I collect information, I will mind map possible ideas. Once I settle on a theme, I’ll begin collecting references and start moodboarding. For my level design mood boards, I stick to thematic ideation as the particular props or assets would be further researched by the artist.

My goal here is to have an understanding of the overall themes so that I can use specific aspects to create a sort of Lego brick I can use later to play around with different configurations. During this time, I also looked at and thought about aesthetic themes and how to blend them into the level.

Once I have my elements decided on, I’ll begin defining them and find uses for them. For this level, I found the mantis to be interesting for the main character over the tarantula because heuristically players would see the tarantula as more threatening than the mantis.

I incorporated elements of the mantis into the table’s flippers and added a mantis head to drive the idea that the player was embodying this character. By looking at the real-world mechanics or features of the various bugs and plants I found during my research, I created various game mechanics and scenarios for the assets I wanted to incorporate.

With the pieces defined, I began concepting the level. I usually concept in 3Ds Max because I am faster and more efficient in Max but in this case, I used paper an pencil and then continued in Photoshop.

When ideating a level like this, I’m looking for interesting shapes, challenging areas, timing, and aesthetic elements. This level had to incorporate several objectives other than the main goal of defeating the tarantula, so I had to blend elements to be multi-functional such as the morpho butterflies log acting as the entrance to the tarantula’s nest. I wanted a clear visual of the tarantula so I lowered its nest into a “hidden” area. The player also needed a way to attack the tarantula's back legs so I played with the idea of having mushroom bumpers and additional flippers.

Once I settled on a concept, I began blocking out the level in 3Ds Max. This allowed me more control of the shapes I was creating and again was where I was most comfortable. I then took the block models into Unreal Engine and began testing the level with a ball. I iterated on the level in Unreal clearing out conflicts such as collisions or the ball getting stuck or not having room.

I then matched the final interactions in max and began modelling the assets and props needed for the level. Everything was then exported and brought into Unreal, replacing any blocks or proxies.
